Saturday, May 30, 2009


sometimes i get really mad at my brother and i want to kill him i mean i actualy want to kill him. i think about it alot but then i come to my sences and realize that it would be illogical. anyway that was not wat i wanted to talk about. i really wanted to talk about my exboyfriend zach (no not the friend zach this is a differnt one hehe!). ive been thinking alot about him lately and i dont know wat to do about it. well it all started wen i thought that ex zach(ex bf) wasnt going to be at state convention and i was thinking that this year was going to be rele fun cuz i dont have to see him. well he was txting me one night and he asked me wat was going on and i said that i was getting excited for state. then he said that he was too. at that point i was flipping out. so i txted my friend zach and told him wat i knew and he rele helped calm me down. god i luv my friend zach. well as a result i got my fone taken way cuz we got talking and before i knew it it was 2 in the moring. so my mom yelled at me and i got my fone taken away but i got it bac today!! hooray!! anywhoo, bac to wat i was talking about. well since i lost my fone ive been thinking alot about ex zach and how he might of changed. i think that i want to get to know him again. i will see him in about 2days and im kinda excited. if any of my friends knew that i was they would yell at me cuz none of them like him. they all think that he is a creeper(well i do to but i dont care). but today wen i got my fone bac i tried to txt him i found out that his number was dissconected. i was so mad and sad all at the same time. but he will get a piece of my mind at state thats for sure. hehe!! im sooo glad that none of my frends can see this they would be so mad at me and all that. well i suppose that i should go for now i think that i might blog to much. its soo easy to get carried away in wat ur saying that it all just comes out. it releaves alot of things on my mind. well i need to go. ttyl